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img2ps konvertiere monochrome GEM-Image-file in Postscript (E)PS-file
V0.2 20.2.1995
(c) 1994/5 by Th. Morus Walter
Th. Morus Walter
Frankenstraße 214
97078 Würzburg
Kontonr.: 301116 Raiffeisenbank Rimpar-Versbach eG BLZ 790 682 22
new telephone number as well as Erreichbarkeit via eMail place unfortunately still not
This program was Freeware!
This program is FAIRWARE!
Each the this program uses\ed is requested, (to) me,that author, a
a small donation as\than acknowledgement my work return to allow...
Kontonummer see at the top...
It may as\than whole, i.e. inclusive of the sources and this file,
any passed on become. It is allows/ed the program to change
though should a reference at the Ur-author pass stay...
Ought altered versions spread become, so is clear(ly) to
do, that I for this versions NOT responsible am.
The employment the Image-load-functions in separate programs is allows/ed,
though is this and my Autorenschaft in the program -Doku such
programs to note down.
D I S C L A I M E R:
No effort has been made to make this program bugfree.
It became no whatsover Anstrengungen unternommen, around this program
error free to do.
We thank for the observation complete Sicherheitsvorschriften.
After I little hunch of Postscript have, became the destination format
corresponding(ly) the output of XV (a Viewer below X) forms\ed...
special thanx to John Bradley for XV
detailed description:
RTFS ;-)
The Sourcecode lies with.
Image.C and image.H are a library to the Load of (X)IMG-files
short description:
alterations in V0.2:
-the limitation the picture widths became secured...
-lets one the PS-file issue, so appear pictures now left below
at the page.
For the Import as\than EPS-file should this but no role play...
-it give a simple (!) Gem-interface:
Starts one the program without parameter (how it if possible IMG2PS.PRG
or IMG2PS.APP are called should, with it the Desktop it for a GEM-program
holds), so appears the Dateiselektor, in the one a Img-file select
can... The Postscriptdatei receive the same names and path as the
Img-file and the ending '.Ps'. Exists\ed a such file, so will(_be)
it without warning overwritten!
One receive though no output over the progress the conversion,
first after successful (?) conversion will(_be) a Alert-Box given out...
-in IMG-files will(_be) the employed resolution as\than (ganzzahlige) size
of a Pixels in Mikrometern established. With usual resolutions (as
about 300 or 360 DPI) leads this to easy Rundungsfehlern.
Such Rundungsfehler become now through it corrects\ed, that resolutions,
the of Vielfachen of 50 or of 90 around less as\than 1% deviate,
rounded become...
-the program can furthermore in a CLI-background used become.
To it should one it in IMG2PS.TTP umbennen...
(by the call without parameter can the program though in the general
NOT recognize, that it as\than Tos-program started became, i.e. it appears
the Dateiselektor...)
with it can now too only a filename given become,that output files
will(_be) then through Alter the file ending the Eingabedatei in '.Ps'
-I/O-error become now queried... (without guarantee at completeness)
In the case that a error occur (at the then in a Alert-Box or a
output line pointed out will(_be)), so will(_be) the hitherto generated PostScript-file
NOT deleted, it is but from it to start, that it incomplete and
faulty is...
-The file ending the output files will(_be) now fundamental(ly) as\than '.Ps'
established, independent from it, what one given...
(hitherto became the filename the output files not altered, if
this no file ending had...)
The generated files become very big!
For ever(y) 8 Pixel become 2 Byte written,
i.e. a graphics in the size 640x400 needs already 64000 Byte,
a DinA4-page (8"x10" (1"=1inch=2.54cm)) in 300DPI will(_be) 1800000 Byte
(i.e. 1.7 MegaByte) big!
(a Verdoppelung the resolution at 600DPI vervierfacht this size!)
(In which in each case still Zeilenvorschübe and the Header the file hinzukommen)
By the Pack (about with Lharc) leads the format though again to very
good Packraten... (Archivlängen of 10% and small(er) are easy possible).
-through Rundungsfehler with the statement the picture size in the EPS-Header can the
page around until to 1/2/72" (circa. 0.18 mm) big(ger) or small(er) fail...
(only that no say can, it had nothing gewußt...)
"instruction" to the old V0.1:
Img2ps originated, around in TeX included GEM-Image-files too in a
PS-version the TeX output integrate to can...
img2ps reads a GEM-Image-file and writes a Postscriptdatei.
The picture must monochrome is and may not wider as\than 1024 points is.
The data for the Pixelgröße in the GEM-Image-file become evaluated.
The destination picture will(_be) in the page (A4) centres\ed depicted.
Call (from a CLI out):
Img2ps input output
Has 'output' a file ending (Extension) so will(_be) this with '.PS'
overwritten. The call 'img2ps bild.Img bild.Img' converts\ed
so the file 'bild.Img' in the file 'bild.Ps'.
This word-by-word exchange from a German document, with some
adjustments for German idiom, was made with a registered version of
Ruftrade. An unregistered version of that program is available from:-
The FLOPPYSHOP, PO Box 273, Aberdeen, AB9 8SJ, Scotland, U.K.